Zara’s Story – Managing the Money You Have

Piggy Bank savings

Managing the Money You Have Today, I’m going to tell you about Zara and while her story is of course, personal, you might find some of it relates to you, if you are in, or have been in, a similar situation.  Now Zara’s story wasn’t a unique situation and I’d seen it before, but I…

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Costs and Value, providing value to our clients

Birmingham UK Library

This week I’ve noticed a common theme and something that I’m not overly-happy about!  I’ve been having a number of conversations about client fees, and I must admit that I am mildly irritated by it. Only yesterday I was in a discussion with a well-known investment platform.  The platform is considering implementing a minimum fee…

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Are you a Vulnerable Client?

A person caring for a vulnerable client

Being a Vulnerable Person Could Make You a Target for Finance Scams – Be Aware! Earlier this year the FCA launched guidance for Financial Advisors relating to the fair treatment of vulnerable clients.  On the FCA website it states that their research showed that “27.7 million adults in the UK now have characteristics of vulnerability…

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Funeral Planning, An Emotive Topic!

Couple sitting at desk funeral planning

What an uplifting topic and one that I have covered it before but it’s important to update these topics periodically, especially this one. The reason this came to mind was because yesterday morning I had to submit my application to the FCA to continue to be authorised to supply advice on Funeral Planning.  While the…

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The secret to becoming wealthy – bypass the banks!

freedom from banks

Why do the rich just seem to get richer? It’s a fact that money makes money and a key reason for this is due to compound interest. It may sound like financial jargon but the way it works is simple. When you set up a savings plan, after a set amount of time you usually…

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