When you visit Edinburgh why not call in to Nucleus Financial’s office?

Edinburgh financial services

Edinburgh is a wonderful city imbibed in history with so much to see, if you haven’t yet visited, I recommend that you put it on your list. The castle dominates the city, it is spectacular, and it needs a day to take in. Follow that with a walk along The Royal Mile and dip into some of the many narrow closes each with its own history. Perhaps book a literary tour from the Writers’ museum, or book a ghost tour and visit the bowels of the city vaults (the only spirit that I saw was a wee dram afterwards). On a good day a walk up to Arthur’s seat is amazing, perhaps calling into Holyrood on the way, or if you have less time try a walk up Calton Hill. How many cities can you walk from your hotel and be at the top of a mountain within an hour.

This month I was in Edinburgh again for my quarterly meeting as a member of the Nucleus Financial platform development group. This time there was little time for sight seeing and it was a typical business meeting of train, walk to hotel, meeting, and then back on the train. I say typical meeting though Nucleus is special and is anything but typical. Nucleus was founded in 2006 from the inspiration of David Ferguson and others who had the mission of putting clients first and foremost which was quite revolutionary at the time (and unfortunately still is!). Today Nucleus has 100,000 clients with assets of £15 billion and it still has the same mission. From the start Nucleus has only accepted business from IFAs who put their clients front and centre. They have consistently turned away 3 out of every 4 IFAs who have applied for a Nucleus agency because they do not share the same attitude to client care. This means that when we meet, we all speak the same language – we discuss how we can improve client service and client experience and reduce cost.

There are lots of new developments which you will see before the end of 2019 many of which I can’t disclose  because they may be commercially sensitive. However, I can tell you that Nucleus Go will be launched to all users next month. This App will allow clients to view their portfolios and their correspondence from wherever they are by using their iPhone, iPad, or any smart phone or tablet. I am very proud that ten of my clients offered to run the beta test and their feedback has been invaluable – you know who you are so thank you for your time and enthusiasm. Many clients have requested that you receive less paper correspondence and I am pleased to announce that starting next month the default delivery of almost all paperwork will be online via your Nucleus Go App or via your online account. Nucleus are aiming to stop all paperwork before the end of the year which will save money running well into six figures and a lot of trees.

The last hour of our meeting was a brainstorming session where we all added several of our own ideas and we discussed and prioritised them for development for the 2020 release. All of the ideas were about improving client experience and making the business processes more efficient — if we can reduce cost and save time which can be spent with clients everyone will be a winner.

If you aren’t registered for Nucleus Go yet I suggest that you wait for the official Nucleus correspondence which will provide you with details on how to access. You have privileged access to information because of my membership of the Nucleus PDG.

My next PDG meeting is in July and next time I may take my wife Tricia with me, stay on a day or two and visit some more of the amazing sights. There is so much to see and if you take a visit why not call in to the Nucleus Financial Offices at Greenside, 12 Blenheim Place, Edinburgh EH7 5JH where you will find a warm, friendly and efficient modern office environment. Simply explain that you are a Nucleus client and I know that you will receive a warm welcome – let me know how you get on.

If you have any queries or if there is anything that you want to discuss, please get in touch. Please remember that sending a secure message using your online account is always the best way to contact us.

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