June 2015 – Life goal exercise
I hope that by the time you read this the weather will be warming up and you are starting to enjoy summer, it seems to be a long time in coming this year. In my May newsletter I explained why Interface had made a slow start to the year though I am pleased that we are now steaming full ahead – I hope that the summer weather will do likewise.
Last month I talked about my poor experience with Xplan and this was taken up by Money Marketing in an article on 14th May. Since it was printed my phone hasn’t stopped ringing with sympathy from other advisers throughout the UK. If you would like to read the article in full you can click on the following link at: “Iress Xplan system failures”.
You will know that we provide you with the best investment portfolios in the UK and that all of our portfolios are doing what they should. It’s a good satisfying feeling and a lot of work goes on in the background that you may or may not be aware of; perhaps I’ll pick this up in a later newsletter. However you will also know that getting the ‘money’ sorted is only part because ‘marrying your meaning with your money’ is just as, if not more, important.
To this end I have developed a series of exercises on my website which I think you will find very stimulating and interesting and hopefully have a bit of fun too. Simply go to my website and click on Life Goals on the Client Log in page, enter your email address and create a password and have some fun. This is unique to me and I have personally developed it with the help of Software developers, JFD Consultants.
It starts off with a Life Balance Wheel to see if your life is in balance – will your wheel roll or will you have a bumpy ride? Then you are asked to identify your values – mine are listed so see if they are compatible with yours. The Bucket list and Life Planning questions are so very important and you deserve to give yourself some time in these areas. When you have done all four exercises keep coming back – log in again in 3, 6, & 12 months and see how much progress you have made.