Financial Guides
Our free financial educational guides are issued to enable our clients and visitors to become more informed about financial matters with the aim of enabling them to make better choices. They are intended as a starting point to compliment and not to replace obtaining good independent financial advice.
A new financial guide is added each month so if you do not find what you want please check back at another time. If you would like a guide on a specific topic, please get in touch and we will endeavour to make it available.
IP1. The 5 Minute Guide to Investing
IP2. The Importance of Investment Performance
IP3. A Guide to Investing Ethically
IP4. A Guide to Asset Allocation
IP5. How Asset Areas have Performed over the Decades
IP6. Investing for Income in a low interest rate environment
IP7. A Guide to Venture Capital Trusts, Enterprise Investment Schemes, & Business Relief
IP8. A Guide to the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS)
IP9. Risk and Returns Visualised
IP10. What Should You Do When Asset Values Are Falling?
IP11. A Guide to Investment Portfolios vs Buy-to-Let Property
IP12. A Guide to National Savings and Investments
PP1. The 5 Minute Guide to Planning Your Retirement Income
PP2. The Retirement Income Guide
PP3. Blended Retirement Solutions
PP4. The 5 Minute Guide to the Pension 'Prize'
PP5. The 5 Minute Guide to SIPPs
PP6. The New Pension Freedom Rules
PP7. Income Drawdown
PP8. How to Invest in a Drawdown Pension
PP9. Pensions and Divorce
PP10. A Guide to Defined Benefit Schemes
PP11. A Guide to Understanding Your Pension Lifetime Allowance
PP12. A Guide to Working or Moving Outside of the UK: Your Pension Options
PP13. A Guide on How to Buy a Property Using a Pension Plan
Other sources of financial information.
There are many other sources of advice that you may like to consult, and a random selection is below. The fact that they are listed is not an endorsement of any one of them and you should conduct your own due diligence.
If our clients request, we are able to provide any of our guides in large print, audio, or Braille formats.
In association with All Formats Queen Alexandra College Birmingham we can supply any format requested with an expected turnaround time of 7 days.
Our Three Stage Process can be seen in Large Print and you can listen to the Audio. A Braille version is also available.
Readers should not rely on, or take any action or steps, based on anything written in these guides without first taking appropriate advice. Interface Financial Planning Ltd cannot be held responsible for any decisions based on the wording in these guides where such advice has not been sought or taken.
The information contained in these guides is based on legislation as of the date of preparation and this may be subject to change. We will aim to keep them up to date but inevitably there may be a time delay so current legislation should always be checked.
©2019 Interface Financial Planning Ltd.
Content supplied by: Independent Check Ltd
Design by: Rae Shirley Photography & Design
Web Design by: Lark Ismail - Jolly Good Media