Hunt Emerson Comic Artist Extraordinaire

Over the years we have been very lucky to have helped some wonderful clients and recently a new client contacted us and engaged our financial life planning services. He is internationally known as one of the best cartoonists in the world and what a nice guy he is too.
We immediately hit it off because we share many of the same values. He was inspired by what we do, he seemed to ‘get it’, and with very little input from us he rattled off some cartoons which we are proud to share.

Our financial plans show you how to enjoy life without ever running out of money

Your lifetime cashflow model looks fine if you’re planning on not living too long
If you Google Hunt Emerson, you will see that he is listed in many places and some them are below;
The web home of Hunt Emerson
Hunt Emerson on Wikipedia
Hunt wins the Sergio Aragones International Award for Excellence in Comic Art
New Hunt Emerson Exhibition Opens in Birmingham
The Beano Wiki – Hunt Emerson
Birmingham Mail Hunt Emerson at the Comic Festival 2015
Hunt Emerson Birmingham Mail - Goodbye God
Books on Amazon illustrated by Hunt
Hunt Emerson Biography
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All clients are unique, and advice provided is specific to their circumstances. The details provided in each case study are limited and you should not assume that the advice provided would apply to you because your circumstances may be very different.
©2018 Interface Financial Planning Ltd.