Birmingham Lake

"Wealth is not his that has it, but his that enjoys it"

-Benjamin Franklin

Traveling in the Alps

"Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants"


Traveling in Crete

"Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend"

- Laertius Diogenes

Morris Dancing Birmingham

"The glow of one warm thought is to be worth than money."

-Thomas Jefferson

Alan Moran Independent Financial Adviser Birmingham

"I don't care too much for money for money can't buy me love"

- The Beatles

Traveling in the Red Sea

"Simple, genuine goodness is the best capital to found the business of this life upon. It lasts when fame and money fail, and it is the only riches we can take out this world with us."

-Louisa May Alcott, Little Men

cliffs of dover

"And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing."

-St. Paul

Finance in the Big City

"Not he who has much is rich but he who gives much"

-Erich Fromm

Birmingham UK Sunset

"Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans"

-John Lennon

Travels - A well lived life

"I pity that man who wants a coat so cheap that the man or woman who produces the cloth shall starve in the process"

-Benjamin Harrison

Your Financial Planning Stories

I first met Claudette in October 1990 when she was 25 and we have kept in regular contact over the years. She is now at a stage in her life where she wants to plan for the future and arrange financial planning that will allow retirement whilst maintaining her lifestyle. Claudette loves working with our online system because it helps her to take control of the admin and enables her to receive advice whenever needed. Claudette is a model client, sharing our values and outlook on life.

"Trust is a big factor for me and knowing that Alan‘s there to look after my best interests means a lot."

Claudette - Birmingham

The first time I sought advice, my marriage had broken down, I’d become a single parent and I couldn’t see the wood for the trees with regards to paying the regular bills as well as credit cards. I needed support from my financial advisor to get back on track and to ensure that all my creditors were being paid something.


Later, I’ve sought help with mortgage applications, financial planning and wills; everything I need to ensure peace of mind that my children can still manage if anything happens to me. My original objectives were to make sure I was getting good sound advice in the most cost effective way and it was important to have someone whom I could trust knowing everything about my financial status now and in the future. Knowing one other person who knows everything means the world to me as I can’t and won’t share this part of my life with friends or family. Alan had been recommended to me – that’s always a good advertisement and nearly 30 years later he is still a big part of my life. Trust is a big factor for me and knowing that Alan‘s there to look after my best interests means a lot. I’ve never had any reason to doubt any advice or suggestion he’s made and I’ll happily allow Alan to take charge, knowing that he will do what’s necessary and right for me.


He’s always kept me informed and he always shows professionalism. More importantly though, he cares. He just wants to help people who want to help themselves. He wants to be there to support and provide a service which is 100% - nothing less. If something can’t work then he will say but will also explore other avenues to see if there are other possibilities. I often wonder who helps Alan in these situations. Without a shadow of a doubt, no other person in my life has helped me the way Alan has and continues to do.


Interface has moved on and improved a lot in terms of the modern technology currently being used; it’s seamless and free from hassle. As a client there’s a lot more to know and understand. Everyone needs an ‘Alan’ in their life. My daughter is at University currently and I intend for her to be advised and guided by Alan with her finances, long term goals, mortgage application etc., when that time arrives.




Readers should not rely on, or take any action or steps, based on anything within these case studies without first taking appropriate advice. Interface Financial Planning Ltd cannot be held responsible for any decisions based on the content of these case studies where such advice has not been sought or taken.

All clients are unique, and advice provided is specific to their circumstances. The details provided in each case study are limited and you should not assume that the advice provided would apply to you because your circumstances may be very different.
©2018 Interface Financial Planning Ltd.