A time for reflection

Moments of reflection

Today is the eleventh of November, Remembrance Day. As I listened to the last post being played at the official ceremony at The Cenotaph yesterday my memory took me back to the half a dozen times that I have listened to it being played at the Menin Gate in Ypres. The last post has been played at the Menin gate every day at 8 p.m. for almost a century and each time I heard it I could not help but shed tears. Perhaps we should take example from the Ypres fire brigade who show us that remembrance should be for more than one day in the year.

I have visited war cemeteries in France, Belgium, and as far away as Crete and they are always a place of reflection whether they are British or German makes little difference, they are the story of young lives lost. My own local church has three or four soldiers’ graves from young men who died of their injuries after being brought home and I expect that yours does too. You may like to seek them out and reflect.

On Saturday I was walking around the centre of Birmingham and at a memorial near the Bull Ring a plaque told us that there were 77 air raids on Birmingham between 1940 and 1943 and 2241 people died. Remembrance should include all of those who have died in war as well as those who fell in conflict.

I empathise with the peace pledge of the Peace Pledge Union: “War is a crime against humanity. I renounce war and am therefore determined not to support any kind of war. I am also determined to work for the removal of all causes of war.” 

It would be wonderful world if we were all pacifists, but I find it difficult to commit totally to their philosophy. However they call for remembrance for all victims of war of all nationalities and for that reason alone I am wearing a white poppy alongside my red one today.

Register for Nucleus Go – helping the environment and saving money

Moving on to business matters I want to start this month’s newsletter with an appeal to all Nucleus clients: You may remember that I am on the platform development group for Nucleus and I attend quarterly meetings in Edinburgh to discuss the enhancement and development of client services. At our meeting last month, I was stunned to discover that the cost of postage to clients is £1,000,000 a year. If all clients register online and use Nucleus Go to access their statements and correspondence that one million pounds can be spent on development of client services and reducing your costs. Therefore, please, if you are not already registered online for Nucleus Go please do so without delay. Nucleus continue to develop their systems at an impressive pace and within a few months all of your paperwork will be available online. However, this requires you to play your part and you can do the environment some good at the same time by saving paper, transport costs, and recycling costs. If you need any help in registering, please get in touch. If you are already registered, please set your communication preferences to receive all paperwork digitally.

Interface Financial Planning looks to the future

I started advising clients in January 1990, so I am coming up to my thirty-year landmark as an adviser. Interface Financial Planning started two years later in February 1992. We have been blessed with some wonderful clients and as we look to the future, we want to ensure that they continue to receive the care to which they have become accustomed.

My son Tom Moran is now well in to his NMBA apprenticeship which will lead him to qualified investment adviser status. His first exam is next month, and I know that you will wish him well.

My daughter Katie Moran has been added to our admin team this month to provide additional administrative help. Specifically she will be processing Wills, Trusts, and Lasting Powers of Attorney and she has completed her initial training at Countrywide Tax & Trusts. You can see Our Company Structure with everyone’s contact details on our website.

The future of Interface is on a sound foundation and my succession planning is resolved but don’t be concerned because I love what I do and I intend to be around for a long time yet.

Political statement from Interface Financial Planning – Do Not Vote Tory

This newsletter and blog will be my last before the general election on 12th December, the result of which will have serious implications for your financial planning and for the direction that the UK takes for many decades to come. For anyone who cares about their future and the future of this country my advice has to be Do Not Vote Tory. If I was a gambler I would put a punt on another hung parliament, as has happened in two of the last three elections, and little will change, However a Tory majority would be an unmitigated disaster and it is to be avoided at all costs. Put aside tribal politics and previous allegiances and vote tactically to use your vote wisely and I don’t care if your conservative candidate is the best person you could wish for in this election you should vote anything but Tory. My next blog will be written after the election and let’s hope that the electorate has seen sense and made the right decision.

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